Recipe: Perfect Jake's sulaimani (a wonder bat drink)

Jake's sulaimani (a wonder bat drink). When its boiling add tea powder and cardamom n let it simmer for a while. Then remove the pan off the stove and add lemon juice. The Sulaimani tea is one drink that everyone will fall in love with - tea drinker or not.

Jake's sulaimani (a wonder bat drink) Traditionally, its served after a heavy meal as Sulaimani is believed to aid in digestion. It was also made famous by the movie Ustad Hotel where the grand father says that a little bit of mohabbat - love is added to every cup of. Serving as the pinnacle of beverages for centuries tea is not only the most familiar refreshment around the world but it is also the most versatile. You can cook Jake's sulaimani (a wonder bat drink) using 5 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Jake's sulaimani (a wonder bat drink)

  1. It's 2 1/4 cup of Water.
  2. Prepare 1 tsp of loose black tea (small tsp).
  3. Prepare 1 of Sweetner.
  4. It's 3 small of cardamom.
  5. You need 1/2 head of lemon juice.

Sulaimani Tea Recipe is one of my all time favorite tea or chai. According to folklore, Sulaimani tea is believed to have Arab origins. It is said that Prophet Mohammed used to enjoy drinking a beverage called ghava with dates and black pepper (but no tea) added to it. Sulaimani Tea is almost similar to lemon tea made without milk, with some mint leaves in it to get the herbal taste and aroma.

Jake's sulaimani (a wonder bat drink) step by step

  1. boil water in a pan.
  2. when its boiling add tea powder and cardamom n let it simmer for a while.
  3. Then remove the pan off the stove and add lemon juice.
  4. Stir it lightly and add the required amount of sweetner (sugar ).
  5. Strain it and transfer to your glass...
  6. Inhale the wonderful aroma, blow lightly and Sip.
  7. How does it taste? well, i feel like i saw heaven in 2 seconds.. go for it guys, you wont regret the 10 minutes of your life..
  8. This is a light tea, so please dont add too much tea powder like in a normal tea..
  9. Try this after a heavy meal too because it helps in digestion..
  10. You can also replace cardamom with cinnamon, cloves or mint.. and mix with Rum too ( yummy).

Sulaimani gives instant energy , helps to reduce weight , to improve easy digestion. Sulaimani acts as the best alternative to regular tea or coffee and helps those who are. The perfect Sulaimani chai is brewed to a pure golden colour with sugar, and a daub of lemon. Perhaps, cloves, cardamom and cinnamon will be added. You may find a basil or mint leaf within.


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